The epic battle of truth versus lies rages on. It is not new. Perhaps you’ve heard how the ancient Serpent deceived Eve with an insinuating question, “Did God really say…?” He got Eve to doubt what she’d personally known as true- God’s goodness and tender care for her and Adam. A tragic mistake!
Even if one finds the biblical account an implausible explanation of the evils that now befall us, can anyone deny we live in a world of confusion, hostility, sickness, and death? Yes, there is beauty, knowledge, and perhaps, progress. Yet with all our scientific achievement and technological advancement, humanity never solved poverty, hunger, disease, or hatred. And those seeking answers to eternal questions- Why do we exist? Is there a God? What happens when we die?- must wrestle with countless competing, often diametrically opposed views. How do we determine which views are correct?
Pilate famously asked Jesus Christ, “What is truth?” Perhaps he did not really want an answer and his question reflected a cynicism familiar to our own age of doubt and uncertainty. Like Pilate, many ask “what is truth?” yet doubt it exists. Pilate probably was unaware that the person he asked about truth had boldly declared,
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
~ Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 14:6)
Christians assume Jesus spoke absolute truth when he made this statement! We believe Truth is divinely revealed in the Scriptures, and most fully by the God-Man, Jesus. We believe our minds are divinely equipped so that truth can actually be known, understood, and acted upon. Not perfectly, of course, for all have blind spots, weaknesses, and deficiencies in knowledge. Nevertheless this blog stands, with humble earnestness, on the side of what the late great Francis Schaeffer calls “true truth.”
Schaeffer coined the term as a way to speak to the postmodern mind:
“People today live in a generation that no longer believes in the hope of truth as truth. That is why I use the term “true truth” in my books, to emphasize real truth.”
Chapter 3, He is There and He is Not Silent by Francis Schaeffer
At this juncture you may say, “Francis Schaeffer I’ve heard of, but who in the world are you?… What makes Alex Jordan an expert on truth?” Well, I freely admit I have NO authority of my own. Sure, I earned a degree in English Literature, and completed some graduate studies in theology. I’ve been a Christian many years, of the Reformed Baptist persuasion. I’m generally conservative in social views and politics. I have an artist’s temperament, an INFP on the Myers Briggs test. I play guitar, sing, and write original songs. I like pickleball and tennis. I’m married but have not been blessed with children. Needless to say, NONE of this makes me an expert on truth! So what can I do? I’m here only to present my simple gifts of word and creativity, as the Lord enables. The Apostle Paul once declared, “… I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16)
So my starting point here on True Truth Today is that truth exists because it has been revealed by God, not that I, Alex Jordan, have invented or discovered anything original. It’s the God-glorifying truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ alone that have power to overcome the many lies of darkness we face. My purposes for this blog are to provide: a) excellent resources that will encourage and equip people to make a sharper Christian impact on an increasingly humanistic, secularized Western culture, and b) truths I hope will challenge and correct narratives many of us unknowingly absorb from a deceitful culture.
You see, “true truth” is the conviction that Christianity is not merely private religious truth, but speaks with authority to the whole realm of life: education, marriage, culture, art, politics, etc.. That’s why on this blog I’ll seek to explore the ramifications of “true truth” in these various arenas. As we tackle theological, yet practical concerns, I’ll also point you to what other smart folks are saying. “What does the “kingdom of God” mean for us today? What is a sensible Christian response to vaccine and mask mandates? How (or why) should I vote? These are the kinds of issues we’ll explore here.
I trust that God has inspired me to take up this project and sincerely hope the website blesses you on your own journey of seeking, thinking through, and applying truth to all of life. I welcome your support as I work to make this a resource of great value to readers as well as an income-producing vehicle.